killeraesthetic wrote in bistromatics Jul 15, 2011 12:42
rabu rabu, add your own tag, /gently caresses, sea of cocks, that tag and that ass, not a meme, snoop dogg intern, birthday, iyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, seasons of loooove, i'm an adult!!!!!, r, everything is hideous, hurr durr, brofist, snoop dogg resident, brrrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzztttttttttttt, not enough tags!, i am so sorry, everything needs more bowie, wait where aer my pants, birthday birthday birthday, a freaking big climax, snoop dogg app, !!!!!dickpoints!!!!!, thank you, i'm on a horse, snoop dogg attending, love me do, i'm 42
lifeaintcheap wrote in bistromatics Oct 06, 2010 17:18
omg it's christmas, i was blown up by a bomb doctor, i'm lawkesha jackson, world is 42 today, welcome to the real world jackass, does anyone even read this, it's my birthday, happy birthday to the ground, i'm 42